5.03.205 I want to help people using my knowledge and spiritual studies acquired throughout my life. Through experience I have acquired wisdom and love. I can make a person achieve inner peace. Most frequently topics are those related with love which moves family, social and health ties. When you feel happy, you can progress at work, build better relationships with colleagues and have commitment to your daily tasks. Body and mind will be balanced only when you have a positive attitude towards life and a better quality of life. I want to help all people who need affection, or who are going through adverse situations, no matter how difficult they may be, or if you are a man, a woman or belong to the LGBT community. In the latter case, members do not have someone who listens to them in their moments of sadness. Today, I have the opportunity to reach people all over the world and help them with their fears, sorrows, joys and all kinds of feelings without using dogmas, and overcoming taboos from the spiritual and human plane. I invite you to express your fears. I will know how to guide and advise you about love and positive energy. I have a lot of experience in pranic healing, tarot, horoscope, and color therapy, a technique that can be used for healing distorted energies giving you benefits and improving your mood according to your needs.
5.03.205 I have had experience as a psychic reader and as a tarot reader and I advised many people about love, without judging and trying to put myself in another person´s shoes. Through these readings I can give you advice from an angelical view, attracting these forces of God to each problem, also from the Kabbalistic tarot giving you clear and precise advice whenever needed. _ I love people of all kinds of colors, sex, sexual identity, religion. I promote equality and diversity, we are all individuals but we need to live in society. _I can guide you showing not only the positive but also the negative aspects of a relationship, so that you can build stronger and less troublesome relationships. _I study the weak colors and how they affect in your daily life and how you can achieve balance endowing your existence with the best energies. _I can help you discover who is your angel and what brings for you. Perhaps you are not with your soulmate now and sometimes you are stuck and feel like everything is going against you. Love can make you get out of those situations.